Blog Archive

Tuesday 26 April 2011


During the making of our short film we came across things that would limit the amount of creativity we put into our product.
First of all, our group was a problem, we all had different ideas and we could not put all of them into our film. As there was three of us, we all took the time to listen to each others ideas as well as our own to have a joint decision on the product. When it came to the decision making, sometimes it came down to a vote or just a simple agreement on the chosen idea. This way is a lot easier but it does limit your own creativity as the other members in our group may not agree with your ideas.
Money was also a problem; this film is clearly funded by the people in our group which means we had limited things we could do. One example was when we went to Felixstowe, we had to pay Jazelle as she was driving us there and she was low on fuel, if we had more money we could of drove to somewhere a bit further away to make the scene seem more interesting.
Time was a key as we only had 6 weeks, if we had more time we could have produced more creative ideas and took more time in filming the scenes.
The Genre is important, as we chose a thriller we had to stick to the certain codes and conventions of our chosen genre, this limited our creativity straight away.
The casting limited our creativity as because this is an A Level project, we only had access to close family members and other students in the sixth form. When finding the cast, we also had to see whether they would actually film for us.
The cameras given to us were very small compact flip cameras; this limited our digital technology creativity as due to the size, we could not see the shots very clear when viewing them back on the screen. If we had a bigger camera, the quality of filming would be better and also the sound.

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